About [Anrig Chiropractic] in Fresno
Our goal is to provide the very best relief care possible. And to make available preventive and wellness care for those who want to perform at their very best. But above all, our primary purpose is to provide hope!

Relief or wellness care… it’s your choice.
Truly a Family Practice
Dr. Ernst Anrig opened the doors to Anrig Chiropractic in 1969. Following in his footsteps were his three children, Dr. Claudia Anrig, Dr. Daniel Anrig and Dr. Susi Anrig.
Safe and Natural Relief
Many seek care in our practice because they’re looking for relief without resorting to drugs or surgery. They’re looking for a chiropractor who honors their health goals. Maybe you’ve heard that “once you go you have to go for the rest of your life.”
That’s not us.
And while we have many patients who we’ve seen once a month for decades, we’re here to serve and support you.
Been There, Done That
Maybe you’ve tried chiropractic care before and didn’t get the results you were expecting.
Don’t give up on chiropractic!
We take a different approach. Only a select few chiropractors have taken the time to learn one of the more difficult and powerfully effective adjusting techniques that we use. Experience the difference for yourself.
As the Twig is Bent…
…So grows the tree. That’s why a large portion of our practice is newborns, infants, toddlers and children. Moms and dads who want the best for their children, visit Anrig Chiropractic regularly. They see the wisdom of detecting and correcting some of the more common postural and developmental problems early—avoiding many of the issues we see in adults later on.
Seniors With Vitality
Survey our reception room and you’ll see some of the most active seniors in Fresno. Many have been receiving their chiropractic care in our practice for over 40 years. Today they are expressing wellness and adapting to the aging process with grace, vitality and energy.
Will You Be Part of Our Family?
Our family would like the privilege of serving your family. Not only will you benefit from the combined experience and brainpower of a deeply committed chiropractic family, you’ll feel the love, compassion and hope that are essential for health and healing.
Please call our Fresno chiropractic office so we can get to know you. [559-824-3253]