Anrig Chiropractic Offices Financial Policy
If you have insurance, you’ll want to use it. But sadly, most insurance policies these days offer only superficial chiropractic coverage. Or they have large deductible amounts that must be satisfied before the carrier is obligated to assist you.
So it’s no wonder that a growing part of our practice consists of those who value their health more than their insurance carrier, and who opt to pay out of their own pocket.
If that’s not you, no problem.
Rest assured, we’ll do everything we can to make your chiropractic care affordable.
We care about you. We’re not white-jacket doctors. We think of you as part of our family. We want to help. We’ll show you things you can do at home to speed your recovery and reduce your expense.
Be sure to ask about our affordable Family Plan. On these special visits you’ll seen entire families, sometimes three generations, crowd into one of our adjusting rooms to get their “spines aligned” and their nervous systems “turned on.” Naturally.
In all these years, we’ve NEVER turned anyone away because of their inability to pay our published fees.
Give our Fresno chiropractic office a call to schedule an appointment today!